Friday, December 10, 2021

Video Script (with timestamps)

00:00-00:10 [white captions on black screen] An interview with Belle Bardot

00:11-00:13 [clacker board with 'take 4' written on snaps shut]

00:14 interviewer: Belle, what is your favourite food?

00:25 belle: I- uh [laughs] I'm sorry, I'm so bad at interviews

00:40-00:43 [clacker board with 'take 5' written on it snaps shut]

00:44-00-51 [white captions on black screen] Who is she?

00:52 interviewer: So, who are you?

01:01 belle: Well, I'm Belle, I'm twenty, from Surrey, and I'm a singer/songwriter

01:18-01:19 [cut screen]

01:20-01:50 [video of Belle singing snippet from her new song]

01:51-01:52 [cut screen]

01:53 interviewer: Well, time for the all important question... Who is your all time favourite singer, your inspiration to start a music career?

02:11 belle: Oh, wow.. I think I'd have to say [beep sound covers answer]

02:24 interviewer: [pulls shocked face] I definetly did not have you pinned as a fan of them!

02:36-02:37 [cut scene]

02:38-02:45 [clip of Belle laughing]

02:46-02:50 [clacker board shuts, saying 'end' on it] interviewer: and thats a wrap!

02:51-03:00 [white captions on black screen] Who is she, with Belle Bardot

02:55-03:00 [white captions on black screen] On our youtube, October 3rd.

Prototypes and Intentions: Website linkpage

DEEP website homepage DEEP website linkpage