Friday, September 4, 2020

Research of shot types

 What is a camera shot?

A camera shot is composed of the series of frames that are shot uninterrupted from the moment the camera starts rolling until it stops. Camera shots are an essential aspect of film making and video productions, because by combining different types of shots, angles and camera movements, the filmmakers are able to emphasize specific emotions, ideas and movement for each scene.

The different types of shots:

1) An extreme long (or wide) shot - this shot will make the subject of your photo seem small against their location. This shot could be used to make the subject seem distant or unfamiliar, or it could also be used to make the subject feel overwhelmed by the location. 

For example; 

2) A long (or wide) shot - this is the same as an extreme long shot only a little close to the subject. The subjects whole body is in the frame but doesn't fill it. This shot allows us to see the background imagery and gives us a better idea of the scene setting and how characters fit into the scene.

For example;

3) A full shot - the subject fills the frame of the photo, however there is still an emphasis kept on scenery. Full shots can be used to include multiple characters in one shot.

For example;

4) A medium wide shot - this frames the subject from the around knees up, and can be shot from any angle. It splits the difference between a full shot and a wide shot.

For example; 

5) Cowboy shot - this frames the subject from around mid thigh and up. It gets its name as it is used commonly in western films to frame a gunslingers gun/holster on their hip.

For example;

6) A medium shot - this is one of the most common types of camera shot and frames the subject from around waist up and through the torso so it emphasis is on the subject but the background is still visible. It is similar to the cowboy shot. 

For example;

7) A medium close up shot - this shot is from around chest up but focuses mainly on the face. The background of the photo is visible still however the subject is the main emphasis of the shot.

For example;

8) A close up shot - The frame is filled with a part of the subject (if the subject is a person it is usually the face). This shot could be used for showing a subjects emotions and reactions. It is a perfect shot for catching important moments in a film.

For example;

9) An extreme close up shot - in this shot the subject completely fills the frame. It is used to emphasize important details, some of the most common things to be included in an extreme close up are eyes, mouths or gun triggers. 

For example;

Guide to different shot type sizes;


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