Saturday, December 18, 2021
Friday, December 10, 2021
Video Script (with timestamps)
00:00-00:10 [white captions on black screen] An interview with Belle Bardot
00:11-00:13 [clacker board with 'take 4' written on snaps shut]
00:14 interviewer: Belle, what is your favourite food?
00:25 belle: I- uh [laughs] I'm sorry, I'm so bad at interviews
00:40-00:43 [clacker board with 'take 5' written on it snaps shut]
00:44-00-51 [white captions on black screen] Who is she?
00:52 interviewer: So, who are you?
01:01 belle: Well, I'm Belle, I'm twenty, from Surrey, and I'm a singer/songwriter
01:18-01:19 [cut screen]
01:20-01:50 [video of Belle singing snippet from her new song]
01:51-01:52 [cut screen]
01:53 interviewer: Well, time for the all important question... Who is your all time favourite singer, your inspiration to start a music career?
02:11 belle: Oh, wow.. I think I'd have to say [beep sound covers answer]
02:24 interviewer: [pulls shocked face] I definetly did not have you pinned as a fan of them!
02:36-02:37 [cut scene]
02:38-02:45 [clip of Belle laughing]
02:46-02:50 [clacker board shuts, saying 'end' on it] interviewer: and thats a wrap!
02:51-03:00 [white captions on black screen] Who is she, with Belle Bardot
02:55-03:00 [white captions on black screen] On our youtube, October 3rd.
Sunday, November 28, 2021
Monday, November 15, 2021
Friday, November 12, 2021
Friday, October 15, 2021
Brief Three research
Call to action: 'WIN!', page numbers next to questions -intrigues people to read the stories.
Picture in the middle irrelevant to any of the articles - all photos next to articles are home photos but the middle is a studio taken photo of a stereotypically pretty girl (blue eyes, blonde hair, tanned, which teeth).
Rectangles with 'important' text in them - Yellow with red text to attract attention.
Preferred audience: women, middle aged (29-50).
Brief Three; research of front cover: Hello magazine
Brand identity: red logo, white font. hello in big, bold, sans serif font. Natalie in red dress, red bar at bottom. Everything is in rectangles, masthead in box, photos, text at the bottom on a rectagular bar.
Sympathy card makes people want to read the story - 'we were told only one twin would make it'.
'Time to celebrate for Kate' - makes people want to read on without telling them too, want to find why she is celebrating.
Aimed towards women: 2 stories on babies, story on marriage, story about the duchess.
Friday, June 25, 2021
Monday, June 21, 2021
Friday, April 30, 2021
Initial response to briefs 3 and 4
Brief Three:
NAME: deep
logo: a diver
tagline: a deeper dive into real lives
Gaming stories - twitch, Minecraft. ‘Is Minecraft corrupting our brains’.
Travel section – best places/ stories about different places/hotels - bad holidays
Young Lives: Story about young mums – how they cope, finance, relationships. using them for 'clout' online, 'are babies just an accesssory. interview mum - having a baby so young contrasted with 'normal'
Stories about jobs- good salaries, bad treatment, customer relations etc...
F1 - sports section - the downfall of ferrari
Identity: sexuality, gender
colour themes: lilac, pistachio green, sage, navy blue, light pink
Navigation bar + :
Gaming | Travel | Young Lives | Identity | Jobs | Sports
Brief Four:
songs: for memories, screensaver, slow down
for memories: old videos playing of a relationship, man singing the song - relationship broke down but he's thankful it happened
screensaver: shes waiting too long, keeps telling him to wait, 'to a screensaver' - flips to her as his screensaver - no new notifications
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Research: Conventions of a front cover
The masthead on this magazine is quite typical as it stretches across the entire page, however it is different to the norm as it touches the top of the page.
The background is a gradient which contrasts the usual solid one colour background.
Colour theme - black, white and pink.
The headline's are in a bold font, and the standfirst is in the same font however not bold. All of the text on the front cover is sans-serif.
Prototypes and Intentions: Website linkpage
DEEP website homepage DEEP website linkpage
Stranger Things is a Netflix original drama which originally premiered worldwide on the website on the 15th July 2016. The show has 3 seas...